AC/DC Wiki
 TOMMY LUGER   Born: 22 February 1977 (age 47)

After a couple of EP releases and various other uploads on the internet, Tommy Luger is finally here his first full-length. For those who already have Bad Boy Benny and Poisen Girl, it probably won't be much surprised by neither the rawness nor the pace here. Apart from a couple of examples of Tommy's versions of the blues, reminiscent of Andy McCoy's mad dash in the sparkling film The Real McCoy. Them the blues songs can probably take the breath away from most of us, but we've actually lost it long before they come. The intro is hysterical, it MUST be heard! The third song - Wille Stolte Mensenker - hits the spot like a brand new one Luger fave, quickly followed by a couple of rockers that have been available online for a while. Especially that one mysterious Return of Krølle is good to get on CD, but which Krølle is it? I can quickly come up with several, but cannot make out clearly from the text which Krølle this is. Could have gotten the vocals further forward in the mix, but damn what a fantastically cool song, and I just have to say that - Tommy sings here just as damn cool as Bjørn Müller in Backstreet Girls. Otherwise, of the ones that are completely new to me, I like them especially good Back In Town, I Am The Ghost and Stars At Night. But it is tough and had to choose stand out as clear favourites, because the album is thoroughly good! It's a step up from Poisen Girl, something like makes it incredibly exciting to hang out with. What will Luger come up with next? And if you don't hang on, you're completely out, awrigth! TOMMY LUGER[]
